Inflatable boats sales, Mercury outboards (sales and service) and inflatable boat related marine products.
RIB Force Inflatables is a specialist inflatable boat business offering the biggest ranges of inflatable boats in Australia under the brand names of AB and Aurora Inflatables, all, powered by Mercury outboards. The range of inflatable boats includes both commercial and leisure models. RIB Force Inflatables also offer specialised services for the repair , service and maintenance of inflatable boats which includes retunes, refurbishments and other services for which RIB Force Inflatables holds the biggest inventory of inflatable boat parts in Australia. RIB Force Inflatables also have a full service department offer service and maintenance of Mercury inboards and outboards which service is also available for other brands.
- Sale of AB and Aurora inflatables for leisure
- Full range of commercial inflatable boats
- Sales of Mercury outboards and inboards
- Full service centre for inflatable boats
- Full service centre for Mercury engines
- Full range of inflatable boat parts
- Range of toys for water sports
- Full repair and service centre for inflatable boats