Battening Down the Hatches: Storm Preparedness Tips for Boat Owners at GCCM

We are lucky to call Queensland our home but it comes with unpredictable weather, as the Christmas 2023 tornado reminded us with winds above 180km/hour registered! It proved, once again that every boat owner must understand the importance of being prepared when nature decides to unleash its fury. At GCCM, where the sea meets state-of-the-art facilities, storm preparedness is a top priority and our Dockmaster team is at your disposal for any help getting your vessel storm-ready.

In this blog, we delve into how boat owners can safeguard their vessels during severe weather, offering valuable insights on securing boats, choosing the right berth, and navigating insurance considerations.

For more details on how we prepare for severe weather in the marina, please download our Customer Extreme Weather Event Contingency Plan on our website.

GCCM Cleat

1. Securing Your Vessel: A Solid Foundation

When the weather forecast takes a turn for the worse, securing your vessel becomes paramount. Ensure your boat is equipped with sturdy dock lines. These lines should be of ample length, allowing for tidal variations and storm surges. Additionally, double-check cleats and other fastenings to guarantee they can withstand the force of strong winds and turbulent waters.

For boats in dry storage, our team at GCCM recommends utilising jack stands for added stability. This extra layer of support minimises the risk of your vessel succumbing to the impact of harsh weather conditions. Learn more about our dry storage options here.


2. Choosing the Right Berth: Location, Location, Location

Selecting the appropriate berth can make all the difference in weathering the storm. At GCCM, our marina is designed with strategic planning to mitigate the impact of severe weather events. Located on the Coomera River, our wet berths are shielded from prevailing winds and with minimal exposure to open water. View our marina berth options here. 

For those opting for dry storage, GCCM offers secure facilities that are engineered to withstand the forces of nature. These indoor storage solutions provide an added layer of protection against wind, rain, and debris, ensuring your vessel emerges unscathed when the storm subsides.

Choose your Marina


3. Insurance Considerations: Navigating the Coverage Seascape

Understanding your insurance coverage is as crucial as any other aspect of storm preparedness. At GCCM, we recommend boat owners thoroughly review their insurance policies to ensure they have comprehensive coverage for potential storm damage. Consider factors such as hull coverage, protection against flooding, and coverage for personal property on board. Read about our Marina Insurance here.

Additionally, it’s advisable to document your vessel’s condition before a storm hits. Take detailed photographs of the boat’s exterior and interior, making a record of any existing damage. This documentation can prove invaluable when filing insurance claims post-storm.


4. Communication is Key: Stay Informed

Storm preparedness extends beyond physical measures; staying informed is equally vital. GCCM keeps boat owners abreast of weather forecasts and storm alerts, providing timely updates to help you make informed decisions about your vessel’s safety. Follow local maritime authorities, subscribe to weather alerts, and stay connected with the marina’s communication channels for real-time information. See list of useful links below.


5. Post-Storm Inspection: Ensuring Safe Seafaring

Once the storm has passed, the work doesn’t end. GCCM recommends a thorough post-storm inspection of your vessel. Check for any signs of damage, including leaks, structural issues, or electrical problems.

Engage with our expert team at the marina for a comprehensive inspection to ensure your boat is sea-ready and safe for navigation. Book in a service with us anytime

Storm preparedness is a collaborative effort between boat owners and the marina. At GCCM, we take pride in providing not just a haven for vessels but also a comprehensive support system for boat owners facing the challenges of extreme weather. By securing your vessel, choosing the right berth, understanding your insurance coverage, staying informed, and conducting post-storm inspections, you can navigate the stormy seas with confidence, knowing your boat is in capable hands at GCCM.


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We’ve prepared an Extreme Weather Event Contingency Plan which you can find here in our “Customer Information Handouts”.

Enquire with us here if you’re interested in any storage options for your boat. Or find out more from our GCCM’s Extreme Weather Guide here.

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